Artist Kevin Moffatt & Ruth Fazal talk about the extraordinary paintings featured in the Creation film

Composer Ruth Fazal talks with accomplished artist Kevin Moffatt about the artwork for her latest piece, CREATION. 

Kevin Moffatt – artist, designer, craftsman, teacher and co-labourer

Kevin Moffatt is the artist behind the extraordinary paintings displayed in CREATION by Ruth Fazal. His career spans decades with a diverse body of work that includes pastels and acrylics on canvas, as well as alcohol dyes on silk. Working in the arena of abstract realism, Kevin seeks to push the boundaries o the materials at hand to evoke profound responses from viewers.

As a teacher he looks to bring his students into a new understanding of the potential of their own expression. And, as a craftsman, he is always presenting works of art that  will stand the test of time. “When creating, the design always needs to express to the viewer a level that brings them to another realm,” Kevin says. “Co-labouring with another artist such as Ruth Fazal brings a very exciting potential into view that speaks volumes and releases the extraordinary.”

For more information about the art of Kevin Moffatt visit Manna Art.